Islamic Calendar

"Ya Rasulullah what are these gardens of Jannah"
"They are gatherings that remind us of Allah"

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Life is dull? Boring? A repetition of two or three routines?
So make it  unsubstantial, and you'll see what life really is.

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A form in forgiving about history.

Expectations and unexpectations. Things that we encounter everyday in life. But believe me, it all comes from what we choose, what we desire. Despite the fact that Allah plans it all out for us, it is still always about choosing. I mean you can choose to do, or not-do. You can choose to forgive, or hate. You can choose to live, or die. For goodnes sake, you can even choose Heaven, or Hell.
So when one day. you walk out and suddenly see that you've took the wrong step,
NEVER...i repeat...NEVER blame it on conditions, NEVER blame it on someone else. They may have pushed you, shoved you and persuaded you on the path, but it is still YOU who decided to keep walking, never looking back, though knowing that the road was a diversion, you still liked it, because it was full of berries fruiting off the side bushes.
So whatever happened in the past, let it be a history. Though the come-back would be tiring, never give-up, never regret, for you knew it all along, its just that you didn't realise. So stop regretting for the time you've wasted. Stand up, turn around and return to His path. And praise all to Him who has shown you the way.

"We have indeed sent down signs that make things manifest: and Allah guides whom He wills to a way that is straight."
An-Nur 24:46

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Thy Heart

There, there. So they say time changes people. and truly it does. I've somehow become a different me now. But still me. And though people ask, people question, wanting to know why, none understands. For it is the whispers of thy heart, and doth not He who creates the heart know more about thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart. Thus shall thy tell of it to none other than Him.
And truly, He is the Most-Listening.

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Saturday, October 23, 2010

And You Now See..

Ya Rahmaanu irham dha'fana..
My Lord, My Creator, My Superior, My Persevere,
Please listen to my prayers, for today, i seek You, i need You, i return to You, 
and today, i finally see You, after being blind for so long,
So all i ask Ya Allah, 
please keep me on this road.
In the night I pray, I'm seeking Your way, its just for You.
When I shed a tear, I know You're near, its just for You. 

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

when you least expect it

And you ask me why i praise Allah? Because today Allah taught me that there are times when i think some matters would be useless to me, and i cared less for whatever that would occur, but suddenly in the condition where i least expect it, Allah will show the way, Allah answered my prayer and showered me with the light i've been seeking so much. Today i learnt my lesson.
Stop waiting for answers in prayers, in dreams, in prostration,
waiting for a lightning to strike down at you feat,
waiting for the rain to hover above your head,
waiting for a beam to shine on your face,

Just believe in HIM, and put full belief in HIM, for He IS our Creator, The Superior, The Almighty.
And you'll see that it'll come, the answers, in ways you least expect.
Just Believe.
Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ya Allah I plead..

something's missing in my heart..something that i once held firm, something that i loved, something that i'm needing so much now..
as he promised, He will always be there

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

For this Finale

I wanted to share with you a small discovery I made last week: Have you ever noticed that if you spend the first 5 minutes at the beginning of any task on distracting activities then you won't feel like working on the task at hand and being productive? 
So let’s say you are about to start working on a big report, but instead you start checking news sites, read a couple of interesting articles, forward them to some friends and tweet about them....before you know it, all your intentions for doing that big report are gone and you don’t feel like doing it anymore.
Now here’s the good news: If you inverse the above and ensure that those first 5 minutes are sacred and are spent ONLY on the productive task at hand and nothing else, you’ll continue working on the task for minutes if not hours to come and most probably finish it.
Try the above and let me know if it works for you!
~tips from ProductiveMuslim

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some motivation needed

There's this thing about the heart. No matter how hard you try to avoid, it'll always fall in love. Believe me, its nature, and no man runs from nature, even me. But there are ways...there are always ways.
keep it up..keep it up...and be strong!!
Ya Allah, give me strength, for it is all Yours.
Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Notice how man can see man as an angel.
  • that when one man mistakes, the other condemns, forgetting the fact that what was done may not be the best thing.may even be a thing done out of awareness.a wrongness. As said by the beloved prophet, "Each and every sons(descendants) of Adam shall do wrong. And the best wrongdoer is who repents"
  •  that when one man influences, the other blindly follows, hearing to his words as if everything was right. forgetting the fact that deep inside each man is a dark creature, burnt thrice before bowing to The Creator. 

But then,
Notice how man can see man as a devil.
  • that when one man does good, the other condemns, throwing rediculous accusations towards his sincerity, building up teams of hatred to reflect every action he does.
  •  that when one man influences, the other blindly ignores, forever stuffing the cold shoulder into his face, neglecting everything, not even a single word.closing all functionable receivers,even the heart. "Say, [O Muhammad], "I do not tell you that I have the depositories [containing the provision] of Allah or that I know the unseen, nor do I tell you that I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind equivalent to the seeing? Then will you not give thought?"(Al-Anaam : 50)
So stop seeing men as angels, stop seeing men as devils. Se a man as a man.
And see what he does, hear what he speaks, understand what he delivers, as a man. Forget who he is, where he's been, what he does, and how he speaks.
And with that you'll  see, if it is what Allah wants, what Rasulullah admits, its true.
But if it is what Allah forbade, what Rasulullah warns, its just a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Must let it OUT

Ok..I've been keepin this for days...So read carefully.

What makes YOU different from OTHERS??
By saying that you don't go out ALONE together, you don't TOUCH each other, that you're so called THINK what you're doing is RIGHT??
My brother, my sister, so long as you're not married...NEVER claim as if you ARE

You ONCE said, this would never happen...that YOU know it is you're just gonna keep this relationship until THE DAY will never make close relationship, you will never go out, you will never make late night calls!!
Look at yourself..OPEN YOUR EYES MAN!!

Astaghfirullahal Azim..Ya Allah, I may have gone over the border...but let this small effort be a reminder to those that have forgotten..ESPECIALLY FOR ME..may it be reread everytime i fall.

Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ignorance by time

What happened yesterday was living proof that principles and belief can simply be crushed by sweet words and nafsu. Couldn't believe that it was that easy for someone to change..
Ya Allah.Forgive me for my mistakes.Aid me with what I said.
For You are the Almighty